My Story
My name is Sharyn Cook. I live at Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.
I learnt about Salt over 20 years ago when I was working as a Natural Therapist. I was researching colloidal mineral solutions when I discovered Himalayan Salt that has the full spectrum of minerals our body requires to stay healthy.
Doing more research I discovered the beneficial difference between consuming unprocessed salt in comparison to processed salt. Also, by saturating Himalayan salt in water it became a quality mineral solution for little cost. Due to the seabed being pushed up and compressed under enormous pressure Himalayan Salt is crystalized. It naturally has a fine molecule so our body can easier absorb the minerals, and process and eliminate the sodium. This helps to aid against fluid retention. I tried using it myself and with some clients. We were very quickly convinced because of improvements in their different symptoms.
I became so passionate about promoting the health benefits of Himalayan Salt that I packaged both the Himalayan Salt and an Australian grown black pepper and branded them 'SALTT'. I sold my products at food events, markets, shops and restaurants. My business grew quickly which lead me to import 20 tons of salt at a time.
It however took longer to convince the hospitality industry. I thought, the shift would come in time due to customer demand for unrefined salt and after 7 years I was correct. Restaurants were at last searching for unprocessed salt but there was nothing, other than grinders that worked successfully to offer it on tables. There are flip top, picnic style shakers but nothing suitable for dining tables. Every salt shaker had holes on the top which allowed moisture in to cake up the salt.
This of coarse is a sign of good salt. It is free of toxic anti-caking agents and intact with natural minerals. Some companies not only bleach, but strip minerals out of salt and make more money from selling minerals than salt. All that is left is toxic waste for the body. This observation explains the main difference between processed and unprocessed salt.
I extended my search world wide and still had no luck finding a suitable shaker for unrefined salt. I had an idea, and I manufactured Salt Shaker #1.
Today I introduce and sell the new and improved model, Cubby Shakers #2
Cubby Shakers work successfully to dispense all salt options, pepper, seeds, spices. Anything up to 3mm will shake through Cubby Shakers. Placing our shakers on the cork base plates achieves enhanced humidity free benefits, as well as keep ingredients fresh and insect free.
So to put it in a nutshell, the purpose of me designing Cubby Shakers is to encourage people to use healthier choices of table salt. Sea Salt contains crystalized sun energy that fuels our electrolyte system.
And...on top of all that, it tastes DELICIOUS!
Did you know?... Pepper stimulates the digestive system.
This is why, for many centuries, Salt & Pepper has taken pride of place on the dining table.
This is my story.
Sharyn Cook